Literally "pulled tea".  Frothy, sweetened milk tea.


Teh Tarik is a classic drink in Singapore. It's history lies with Indian immigrants running tea stalls and providing brewed tea for the local labourers during their breaks and after work. The 'pulling' process was brought over from India and been used for both Indian tea and coffee. At heart, a Teh Tarik is a sweetened milk tea that is 'pulled'/poured between two vessels at a height great enough to create froth and aerate the drink, both cooling it and enhancing it's flavour by introducing oxygen. 

TEA SOCK BASE BREW [for Teh Tarik]

Like the Coffee Sockthe Tea Sock method is the traditional and benchmark way to brew Tea Dust. In fact, every Kopi Drink option (apart from Butter Coffee) also applies to Tea. Teh-O is equivalent to Kopi-O, Teh-C is equivalent to Kopi-C and so on. Our tea dust provides malty, floral and golden notes with that lovely slight astringency every good strong tea should have.

Every blend of tea dust is different. We have tested ours at length to to bring out the very best flavours from our Tea Dust to produce the incredibly full-bodied yet delicate and fragrant Teh Tarik recipe below. Not all Tea Dusts are created equal!

This recipe is for one portion of 150 ml Tea base brew - enough for an 8oz portion of  Teh Tarik (220ml approx). [Pro Tip: Brew extra and do not dilute for a stronger Teh Tarik]

Tea Dust isn't brewed in the typical western way of steeping tea leaves. Instead, our tea dust should be filtered several times. Each time adds more fragrance and flavour to the brew. The more cups brewed, the more tea dust to filter through and therefore a stronger brew.

There are two recipes below: one for 1-3 cups; one for 4-10 cups. There are different recipes because smaller quantities of tea dust will require some steeping time in addition to filtering, where as larger quantities only require filtering for flavour.

Traditionally, Teh Tarik consists of Tea Base Brew diluted with water [150ml : 50ml], but we like ours stronger so we use extra Tea Base Brew without diluting it. The choice is yours.

Cups Dose Water Steep Milk
1-2 1 ½ tbsp per cup 250g per Cup 1 min 2tbsp each condensed milk, evaporated milk
3-8 1 ½ tbsp per cup 250g per Cup N/A 2tbsp each condensed milk, evaporated milk

Yield: 1 portion (multiply out as needed)

Notes: Rich, Malty, Floral, Golden, Tannin and slight astringency

Tea Dust: 1 ½ tbsp per cup

Water: 250g per portion @ 95-98˚C (plus extra to rinse + pre-heat)

Kit: Tea Sock, 2x Brewing Cup S1 (or larger)

Filter Prep: Rinsed and wrung

  1. Pre-heat your cups/mug(s) with hot water
  2. Add Tea Dust to one Brewing Cup
  3. Add your hot water per dose of Tea Dust
  4. Stir and allow steeping time (check table above)
  5. Now, pour the tea brew at a medium-slow speed, through the Tea Sock Filter, into the second brewing cup. Aim to get as much tea dust into the Tea Sock Filter as possible
  6. Repeat this step a further 10 times
  7. Taste test - the Tea Base Brew should be strong, astringent, 'over brewed'. If it doesn't seem strong, filter a few more times.
  8. Congrats - you've made your Tea Base Brew! It should be approximately 200g per portion


Filtering causes the Tea Base Brew to cool down quickly, especially with small quantities. You may find that you have to reheat the Tea Base Brew back to a higher temperature to facilitate suitable flavour extraction from the Tea Dust. You can reheat in a saucepan on the hob, or in a suitable container in the microwave. We find this step is not needed in large quantities.

THE TARIK [the 'pulling']

You've made your Tea Base Brew. Now let's turn that into a Teh Tarik!

  1. Measure out your Tea Base Brew [200g approx per cup]
  2. Add your two milks and stir well
  3. At a medium speed, pour your milk tea between the cups [this is called the Tarik - the 'pulling']' Start close together and then increase the distance between the cups to at least 50cm during the pour. This introduces air and froths the tea. Do this 4-5 times for an excellent froth
  4. Empty your drinking cup/mug of hot water, and pour your portion of Teh Tarik into it, also at height to continue with froth creation
  5. Revel in the sweet milky goodness of a sublime Teh Tarik


  • 1-2 Portions are best made in our Brewing Cup S1
  • 3-4 Portions are best made in our Brewing Cup 12cm
  • Froth disappearing too quickly? Add a little more condensed milk

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