Creative and unique ways to enjoy Kopi House Nanyang Kopi. We'll add new recipes to this page so keep an eye out for updates


Sparkling Nanyang Kopi, sweetened and served milky.
Not many would consider having their coffee sparkling, let alone sparkling and with milk, but this simple recipe works very well. It consists of just 4 ingredients: Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi, Soda Water, Sugar Syrup and Evaporated Milk.

Sure, it might take a few tries to get your head around a sparkling milky caffeinated drink, but this really does work. The recipe below can be easily adjusted to your taste, but it is essentially equal parts Nanyang Kopi and Soda Water as the main ingredients.

Yield:  1 Portion
Kopi:  12-24 Hour Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi [stronger is better] 
Soda Water:  A good quality, neutral tasting soda, or make at home if you have a soda machine
Sugar: 3:1 Sugar : Hot Water [provides a sweeter thicker syrup, so less drink dilution]
Milk:  Evaporated
  1. Add ice to a tall glass
  2. Add 1 part Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi
  3. Add 1 part Soda Water
  4. Add 2-3 tbsp Sugar Syrup, or to taste
  5. Add 2-3 tbsp Evaporated Milk, or to taste
  6. Gently stir, add a straw and serve immediately

Stronger Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi is best as it provides the strength to punch through the evaporated milk
Try adding less sugar syrup to begin with and then sweeten as you go if needed
For a lighter Kopi version, use 1:2 Cold Brew Nanyang Coffee to Soda Water

Increase quantity of ingredients as needed for more portions

Tried this recipe? Tag us on social media @kopihouseuk



Sparkling Nanyang Kopi, sweetened [or not]
Prefer your coffee without milk? Then here's a recipe for you. This recipe is astoundingly simple using just 2 ingredients: Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi and Soda Water. Sweeten if desired. We like ours mildly sweet

Yield:  1 Portion
Kopi:  8-12 Hour Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi 
Soda Water:  A good quality, neutral tasting soda, or make at home if you have a soda machine
Sugar: 3:1 Sugar to Hot Water [provides a sweeter thicker syrup, so less drink dilution]
  1. Add ice to a tall glass
  2. Add 1 part Cold Brew Nanyang Kopi
  3. Add 2 parts Soda Water
  4. Add 1-2 tbsp Sugar Syrup, or to taste
  5. Gently stir, add a straw and serve immediately

Try adding less sugar syrup to begin with and then sweeten as you go if needed

Increase quantity of ingredients as needed for more portions

Tried this recipe? Tag us on social media @kopihouseuk



Bold Nanyang Kopi, blended with ice and condensed milk
Looking for an alternative frappe experience? This may be the one for you. Just really 3 ingredients - Nanyang Kopi, Condensed Milk and Ice - blended together. The topping and garnish is optional. Our recipe is easy to make at home, without using any additional thickeners, and is less sweet than the typical commercial frappe on the market. The soft whipped cream adds some indulgence and the fine-ground Nanyang Kopi Powder provides a wonderful fragrance as you sip your frappe, plus some depth when you drip into the whipped cream.

Yield:  1 Portion [450g capacity glass]
Kopi:  250g Nanyang Kopi [pre-brewed and cooled] 
Condensed Milk: 4 tbsp approx, or to taste
Ice: Enough to fill glass, plus a little extra
Topping: Soft whipped cream
Garnish: Fine-ground Nanyang Kopi Powder
  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend for 40 - 60 seconds. The final blend should be slightly frozen, like an iced slushy
  2. Scoop / pour into your chosen glass
  3. Add toppings [if using]
  4. Add a straw and serve immediately

We've designed this recipe to taste less sweet than others on the market, and there's just enough condensed milk to hold the ingredients together for some time without the use of thickeners.

Experiment with your preferred sweetness levels. Less condensed milk means a thinner coffee, which will separate quicker but one which has a louder 'coffee' taste. More condensed milk means a thicker, richer coffee which holds better but will also be sweeter.

Increase quantity of ingredients as needed for more portions

Tried this recipe? Tag us on social media @kopihouseuk



Dalgona Coffee, Whipped Coffee, Indian Cappuccino. Known by many names, chances are you've seen this new (but old!) type of coffee all over Instagram. This modern take on whipped coffee has it's origins in Indian Beaten Coffee: instant coffee mixed with hot water and whipped with sugar to make a coffee foam, and then topped with hot milk.

The story goes that this coffee made it's way to Macao, where the coffee foam was served on top of cold milk. It was served to a Korean gentleman who thought it looked like a Korean honeycomb sweet called Dalgona, hence the name.

History over - here's the basis for how it works
Instant coffee provides the base for the strength of Dalgona coffee. For those who may not know, instant coffee is essentially brewed coffee that has had it's water content removed through freeze drying, so the left over solids provide for concentrated soluble coffee hence why you use so little when making a cup of instant coffee.

The coffee foam recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Very little liquid and a lot of coffee!  Introducing air into this liquid mixture whips it up, turning it into a coffee fondant foam.

This concentration simply doesn't work for freshly brewed coffee: it's not strong enough and using more brewed coffee means too much liquid for the foam to be whipped up. So at Kopi House we've designed our own take on Dalgona coffee using freshly brewed Nanyang Kopi which is just as easy to make but provides for a more visually engaging coffee drink. Our whipped coffee foam is like soft whipped cream - it's much easier to mix in with the cold milk at the bottom this way and has a brilliantly soft texture.
The recipe has 3 parts - the brew, the whipping, the layering.

Yield:  1 Portion
Kopi:  30g 
Water:  75g, freshly boiled
Kit:  Coffee Sock, Brewing Cup S1 x2, Tablespoon, Timer
Filter Prep:  Rinsed and well wrung
Brew Time:  5 minutes approx
  1. Add Kopi Powder to a Brewing Cup S1
  2. Add 75g freshly boiled water
  3. Stir very well to saturate all the coffee grounds - such little water needs more stirring effort. Set a 5 minute timer and steep. We're going for an intense thick brew
  4. When the timer is up, stir grounds to reintegrate into brew, and then pour through your Coffee Sock into the second Brewing Cup S1
  5. You should now have about 4 tablespoons of intense Nanyang Kopi

Brewed Kopi:  2 tablespoons
Water:  2 tablespoons
Sugar:  2 tablespoons
Kit:  hand or electric whisk
  1. Add all ingredients into a mixing bowl or similar
  2. Whip for 5-10 minutes. First the mixture looks runny and grainy. As the sugar dissolves, the mixture turns a darker shade, thickens slightly and looks a little glossy. Later on, the mixture thickens and turns medium-light brown. Keep an eye on the stiffness - it won't ever get too thick - so no need to keep whipping if you're hoping for stiff peaks like a meringue
  3. Let sit for a few minutes to settle and stiffen further
  4. Congrats, you now have Nanyang Kopi Foam

Cold Milk:  200ml approx (optional hot)
Ice:  optional
Brewed Kopi: 2 tablespoons leftover from the brew
Kopi Foam:  all of it
Garnish (optional):  finely ground Nanyang Kopi Powder. If you have a home grinder, grind about 1-2 heaped teaspoons to Turkish coffee grind size
  1. Add ice (if using) to a suitable sized glass - short and wide is preferable. Glass should be no larger than 10oz. Shorter glasses make for a bolder coffee flavour as there is less milk to dilute the foam.
  2. Pour cold milk into a glass. Ice reduces the amount of milk that can be poured in, making for a bolder Dalgona Kopi
  3. Carefully spoon in the last two tablespoons of brewed Nanyang Kopi on top of the milk. This makes up for some of the 'lost' strength. Plus it will stylishly marble down to the bottom
  4. Spoon the coffee foam gently onto the surface of the cold milk, taking care to spoon onto uncovered areas so as to completely cover the top
  5. Garnish with fine ground Nanyang Kopi Powder over the top. Not only does it look great, it adds a further hit of Nanyang Kopi
  6. Serve with a teaspoon

How you drink your Dalgona Nanyang Kopi is up to you. We like to stir a little of the foam into the top 1/4 of the cold milk. It's like stirring in whipped cream.

Dalgona is a sweet milky and mild coffee. Want a bolder coffee flavour? Add more brewed Nanyang Kopi to the milk.

Increase quantity of ingredients as needed for more portions

Tried this recipe? Tag us on social media @kopihouseuk

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